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- 18877번 Social Distancing
- 텐서플로맛
- 18881번
- java
- 백준 BOJ
- 일해라 개발자
- social distancing
- BOJ 18881
- 18877번
- Catholic univ Computer Programming Contest
- vue.js
- Spring Security
- BOJ Social Distancing
- async
- 베리어블 폰트
- 모바일 버전만들기
- 백준
- await
- BOJ 18877
- 백준 Social Distancing II
- BOJ Social Distancing II
- 반응형 웹
- Social Distancing II
- JavaScript
- spring boot
- 백준 18877번
- Today
- Total
목록social distancing (3)
나아가는 길에 발자국을 찍어보자
오늘 많네.... 처음에 문제를 잘못 이해해서 꽤나 틀린 문제이다.. 영어를 대충 읽은 탓이좀....한끝 차이로...ㅜㅜ https://www.acmicpc.net/problem/18877 18877번: Social Distancing The first line of input contains $N$ and $M$. The next $M$ lines each describe an interval in terms of two integers $a$ and $b$, where $0 \leq a \leq b \leq 10^{18}$. No two intervals overlap or touch at their endpoints. A cow standing on the endpoint of a www.acmic..
https://www.acmicpc.net/problem/18881 18881번: Social Distancing II The first line of input contains $N$. The next $N$ lines each describe one cow in terms of two integers, $x$ and $s$, where $x$ is the position ($0 \leq x \leq 10^6$), and $s$ is 0 for a healthy cow or 1 for a sick cow. At least one cow is sick, and all co www.acmicpc.net 문제 해설을 하자면, 소들의 수인 N(1 N; vectorcow; vectorcand; for (int ..
오랜만에 알쿡에 참여하면서 풀었던 문제들을 하나씩 정리해 보고자 한다. 아이디어는 그전에 푼 문제와 비슷해서 금방 풀줄 알았는데, 예외처리때문에 많이 틀렸다ㅜㅜ https://www.acmicpc.net/problem/18880 18880번: Social Distancing I In this example, Farmer John could add cows to make the occupancy string look like 10x010010x0010, where x's indicate the new cows. In this case $D = 2$. It is impossible to add the new cows to achieve any higher value of $D$. www.acmicpc.net..